
Weight Loss Secrets from a Nutritionist
3 Tips for Parents of Fussy Eaters
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When it comes to your health you need the right experience in your corner, not just the right person. I’m a qualified, registered clinical nutritionist. That means that everything I do is evidence-based and backed by research. 


Are Your Snacks Making You Hungier?

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You can stay home and we’ll meet online, or you can come to Leederville in Perth for a face-to-face consultation. You’ll be sent a questionnaire before the appointment, so I’ll know you a little bit before we meet.

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Are your kids making meal times a battle?

Happy Little Eaters is a self-paced course that gives you simple, practical advice on what to feed your kids and little tricks to made meal times easier, calmer and less crazy! Ideal for kids aged 1-5 years who like to assert their independence.

a self-paced online kids course

only $49

happy little eaters

are you ready to know what to DO AND say WHEN YOU'RE TOLD 'I'M HUNGRY' BEFORE DINNER?

Your Cheat Sheet for Nutritionist Approved Snacks

Snacking is important. Snacking on the RIGHT foods is even MORE important when it comes to your overall diet. Just pop your email in below to get my FREE 20 page snack guide.

Free guide


Jade is a clinical Nutritionist in Perth backed by science and the latest research.

© harman health 2023

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